
There is only one life
you can call your own
and a thousand others
you can call by any name you want.

Hold to the truth you make
every day with your own body,
don't turn your face away.

Hold to your own truth
at the center of the image
you were born with.

-from ”All the True Vows” by David Whyte

Please, pause and breathe. Look away from the screen and ask yourself: what has brought me here? Wait and listen.

Was the answer clear–sharp as fangs–or murky like a storm-rippled pool? Was it soft or calloused? Smell of moss and mycelium, or did the absence of scent speak to a longing? Did it excite you, scare you–both? Did it seem like nothing happened?

Are you seeking or being stalked by something you might call a spiritual initiation? Are you called to deepen your relationship with the Wild Holy? Wishing to commune with the Wild and Unseen Ones? Do you long to know and embody your “truth at the center of the image you were born with?” Can’t shake a dream that shook you up? Ready to emerge from old wounds and patterns casting shadows over your life?

If the essence of any of these questions resonate, this work may speak to you. Explore the offerings below and, if you’re intrigued with one or multiple offerings, click the “book free consult” button to schedule a free introductory call so that we can explore working together. To learn more about me, the lineages I draw from, and the people I work with, please go here.


Soulcraft + Eco-Centric Mentoring

  • Soul + Eco-Centric Mentoring takes many forms and encompasses many modalities such as soulcraft practices, earth-based wisdom traditions, mysticism and somatics. It shares threads with spiritual counseling/ coaching, somatic and eco-therapy, and nature-connection, but is its own unique offering.

    The intention of mentoring is to have a long-growing relationship so that I can learn the shape of you and thus serve you better. As such, there is a 3 session minimum requirement for starting our work together.

    First 3 sessions are $180 total.

    90$ per session after, sliding scale is available.

Visionary Experience Guiding

  • Omnia plena diis esse- “All things are full of gods.”

    Visions and visionary experiences have always been an essential, revelatory, and potent part of the global human relationship to the earth, Mystery, and the individual. Whether induced through sacred plant medicines, bouts of fasting, ceremony, dancing, dreams–any myriad of mystical practice or unexpected “lightening strike,” these experiences can range from ecstatic to terrifying, are often life-changing, and certainly never to be disregarded. Yet ancient nature-based cultures cultivated containers of communal and spiritual lifestyles, along with deep earth-centric wisdom, that taught them how to prepare for, work with, and integrate these experiences. In the west, we sadly do not.

    As a Visionary Experience Guide, I offer support in helping to prepare, understand, and integrate the nature-based mystical and mythical wisdom offered by those who have had an experience or are preparing for an experience.

    Insight and Integration Sessions (minimum 2 sessions:) This offering if for those whove had an experience they call “visionary” and are hungry for help in trying to work with and integrate it into their life. In these sessions, you will offer the gift of your vision’s story and we will work together to go into deeper relationship with the experience (through a variety of practices and soulcraft and 1 on 1).

    $300 for both sessions. Each session is 1.5 hours.

    Preparation: If you plan on courting a potentially visionary experience, preparation is crucial. Through our 1-on-1 work, whether in-person or virtual, we help to discern what you and Mystery are hoping for in your upcoming journey and how to adequately prepare to ensure the experience is potent and safe.

    $125 session

Workshops + Ceremonies

  • Hosting an event, gathering, or festival and curious about inviting me to facilitate a workshop or play a part in a collective ceremony (or design and facilitate an entire ceremony)? Workshops can be oriented to your unique space and community, but some options are:

    -The Art of Self-Generated Ceremony: How rituals and ceremony transform individual and group consciousness.

    -Ceremony Creation to Heal the Earth

    -Somatic Dreamwork: How to Embody the Wisdom of Your Dreams

    -Rites of Passage Ceremonies: The Art of Creation and Facilitation

    ❖ Nature and the Human Soul

    ❖ Conversations with the Wild Others/Animal Embodimient

    ❖ Self-designed Ceremony

    ❖ Mythology and Storytelling 

    ❖ Soul Writing

    ❖Mindfulness and the Earth

    These are just a few seeds of inspiration for workshop ideas. Book a free consult to chat about collaborating.

Somatic Dreamwork

  • “Dreams are messages from the Deep”–Dune

    Ancient cultures throughout the world existed in perpetual relationship with their dreams. From the great Australian Aboriginal “Dreaming” to the Amazonian Achuar tribe’s daily Wayusa “dream ceremony,” humans have and continue to understand that dreams offer us important messages and opportunies to grow from an unseen realm. In the contemporary west, we might imagine this unseen realm to be the subconscious or inner psyche. Perhaps it is both and more. Regardless, dreamwork is a potent transformational healing process.

    I primarily practice a form of somatic and soul-centric dreamwork; helping to guide the dreamer (you) deeper into the dream, allowing the dream to be reborn in your body, and help support the mysteries of the dream’s message to unfold organically while minimizing the risk that the dreamworker’s own “stuff” is influencing the work.

    Dreamwork often includes invitations to further work the dream’s invitations in the dayworld in order to help integrate and deepen its transformative capacity. This might look like nature-based invitations, artistic practices, somatic embodiments, rituals and more.

    90$ per dreamwork session, sliding scale available.

    $140 2-session package: dreamwork session and follow-up integration session.

Wilderness Solo

  • Prolonged periods of prayerful fasting in the wilderness has been a potent spiritual practice for peoples of every inhabited continent. Commonly known as a “Vision Quest” (drawn from northern Native American language) and “wilderness vigil” in other euro-centric traditions, the essence of this ceremony is to walk into the wilderness and find a place on the land that speaks to you, and then go without food and sometimes water for multiple days. There are many kinds of intentions and many kinds of gifts, powers, realizations, rebirths, deaths and guidance that can be graciously given during this ceremony.

    I have been profoundly shaped by my wilderness solo experiences and have thus apprenticed myself to the art of this ceremony with elder teachers in different traditions. In this offering, I guide you logistically, physically, and pyscho-spiritually in order for you to have a safe and powerful experience. You will have at least one pyscho-spiritual preparation session with me and a logistical call before we head out. When we are on the land together, I will invite you into a deepening relationship with your intention(s) through soulcraft practices: ceremony, dreamwork, story, guided drumming, and more before you are sent out to “be found by your place.” Through our work together, unique invitations and ideas for you solo ceremony will be offered to you. After a delicious healthy last meal, you will begin your fasting and head out the next morning for 3-4 days and nights of solo time.

    When you return, you will be welcomed with a delicious “break-fast” and we will begin stories and opportunities to further unveil what’s been given to you. On the last morning, we will exit the ceremony in a good way. We will schedule the included post-integration session for within a month afterwards to help support you in integrating what you received into your life.

    Note: While engaging in this ceremony inherently invites unavoidable risk, there is a system in place to ensure you are cared for in the event of anything unforseen along with my training as a certified Wilderness First Responder.

    5-day minimum, 7-day typical. Can be individual, couples, or groups (a co-guide will need to be hired for larger groups).

    Costs vary based on amount of days, size of group, and locations. Costs include the preparation sessions and post-integration sessions, purchasing of food (cooked by team), group gear, and any medical supplies.

    Book free consult to discuss the potentiality of exploring this potent offering.


  • understand and embody your story. craft and ritual of storytelling. myth. personal, wider myth, old stories. etc.

Wilderness Soul Immersions

  • This offering is for those who are on the precipice of something significant, hungry for an initiatory experience, and want to be intensely cooked in the cauldron of the holy wild. We leave our lives of modernity and pilgrimage into the portal of wilderness. Out there amongst the elements, you will work with fire as you are cooked by the fires of transformation; you will invite intimacy with the land; you may offer prayers to rain, write poetry to stone, dance for stars; you may weep with joy or sadness, and discover layers of yourself you didn’t know existed yet were always waiting for you.

    Wilderness Soul Immersions are three to five days of guided soulcraft work out in the wilderness. Based on our conversations and a comprehensive assessment, I craft a program that will support you on your soul’s path. Some questions you might ask yourself are:

    -Needing greater self-resourcing and healing?

    -Ready to dive deeper into the caves of core wounds?

    -Do you want to grow more grit in the wilderness?

    -Has something mysterious been “stalking” or “courting” you?

    -Curious about deepending your cross-species communication?

    -Do you want to live and embody a new story? In your life and somatically?

    -Does something need to shed or die?

    These are just a few of many questions and intentions that can craft and guide an immersion.

    Immersions can be individual, couples, and groups. Costs vary on size of group, location, amount of days, previous experience, etc. Other than the guiding itself, I also take on the majority of logistical needs.

    If curious, please book a free consult and let’s talk!

Rites of Passage

  • Rites of Passage ceremonies have been an essential force for individual and communal psycho-spiritual vitality in all nature-based cultures. The lion hunts of the Masai; the vision fasts of native american tribes like the Lakota; the burial chambers of Celtic europe, and the long pilgrimages of Asia are but a few profound examples of the old ways in which humans understood that in order to be truly in relationship with their self, tribe, land and spirit, they needed to participate in a community-supported initiation.

    I am one who had no true adults or elders to guide him in his challenging childhood. I am one who did not know ways to help move himself from one stage of life to another in relationship with the earth’s wisdom. Without knowing it, I spent years as a biological and legal “adult” searching for people across the earth’s many countries and cultures that held some pieces of primal practices that could support myself and others into new stages of life; into earth-centric and soul-centric stages of growth. Gratefully, over the years I have found these teachers and places who held me in my own moltings through Rites of Passage ceremonies. I continue to apprentice to this ancient art as I offer it to others.

    In this offering, I collaborate with you (or group) to design and facilitate a Rites of Passage Ceremony. I work with adolescents and/or adults, individuals, families and collectives. A Rites of Passage ceremony can be a day, day and night, or multiple days. While its forms are wonderfully infinite and creative, each ceremony will be embedded in earth-centric and soul-centric traditions in wildnerness.

    Book a free consult above to talk more about this for ideas and costs.

Unique Creation

  • Perhaps you are drawn to some elements of my offerings but none inspire you to say “yes!” wholeheartedly. Yet you sense something of this work speaks to you. Below is a sampling list of areas we could focus on, both individually and collectively.

    ❖ Nature and the Human Soul
    ❖ Conversations with the Wild Others/Animal Embodimient
    ❖ Self-designed Ceremony
    ❖ Trance Dance and Rhythms
    ❖ Signs and Omens 
    ❖ Mythology and Storytelling 
    ❖ Working with Shadow
    ❖ Symbols and Sacred Objects
    ❖ Soul Writing
    ❖ Confronting Death
    ❖ Befriending the Dark
    ❖ Wandering in Nature
    ❖ Mindfulness and the Earth
    ❖ Developing a Personal Relationship with Spirit 
    ❖ Authentic Movement (or other embodiment practice.

    Choose whichever of these intrigue you most, book a free consult, and let’s talk about what work could like in that area for you.